COVID-19 Weekend Update: 2/19-2/21

By Sandra Folarin and Jeffrey Softcheck, MBA

The numbers continue to drop all around - less testing, lower positivity, deaths, and bed utilization. The current positivity rate is less than 3%. In fact, 9 out of the last 10 days has been below 3% in case positivity, which is a major change from where we were even a few weeks ago.

 Unfortunately, vaccines are currently scarce due to limited appointments and bad weather that has kept people home. However, this will get better as time moves on.

 The light is shining much brighter now than this time last year. With increased vaccine administration, there is a great deal of hope for spring and summer.

Stay patient, stay safe, and stay vigilant. Wear your masks and consider getting the vaccine when offered.


Holding Those in Healthcare to a Higher Standard


COVID-19 Weekend Update: Valentine’s Day Weekend